Attendees: Mike Pickton (Supervisor)
5006 Character Feedback
Bake most of the vines and leaves onto the rock, but have some low density leaves on the surface for silhouette
Left arm looks wrong (looks like crystals), should layer the rocks and have the form the spiked portions instead
If the arms have the same type of rock, they need to form together
Make and texture a normal rock to further understand the surface details
Easier to practice on a basic rock rather than trying to figure it out on a character
Use Substance Designer and try to get as much detail in the texture
Optimise on time because I might not need to sculpt as much detail on
Apply what I've learnt to the character
Add more detail in ZBrush if needed
Overall silhouette needs tapering; looks too rectangular
How will I add the glowing core?
Rock slats over a solid fully glowing mesh?
Paint emissives onto the rocks
To get the glowing effect without a lot of bloom
Paint emissive bleed with a soft brush onto the surrounding rocks
Will add depth to the glow
Make head larger and lower
Making sure it doesn't get lost in the body
Glowing core hitting the face, overall will have a lighter value
Vary the shape of the front teeth
Add larger gap between the jaw
Consider rotating the head downwards as the neutral position
More oppressive and looming stance
Variation on the limbs
Jutting elbows
Take the important factors of the model and exaggerate them
Consider adding more of a gorilla stance to the model
When shortening legs simplify the rock pieces
Consider how the joints are going to animate
Rocks rigidly weighted
Will they slide over each other or grind together?
Can have floating rocks that look very close, but aren't actually touching
Take more design cues from the original concept
Hips with spine joint coming out of it
Consider dropping the thickness from the feet
Hips and legs more successful in the concept
Objectives for next week
Have tested rock sculpting a texturing
Fix design
Sculpting character