Attendees: Mike Pickton (Supervisor)
Rock Golem Block-out Stage Feedback
Left arm needs more shape
Make 2-3 rocks in 3ds Max and arrange them together to create interesting shapes
3D photobash
Fully Sculpt the rocks and then combine and Dynamesh them when you're happy with them
The danger of that however, is creating blobby rocks which clearly look like they've been combined
Can define certain parts of the rock after
Could keep the rocks fairly simple, and add the details in Substance Designer after for crispness
Figure out the head design as it needs more definition -focal point of the character
Larger, lower, more forward
Narrow the hips
Make back more arched
More gorilla-shaped
Ivy generator
Vines baked on
Leaves done as cards
Objectives for next week
Have character blocked out with detail pass partially done.